four! oh, four!
not sure where that page went, but here are some blog posts
Conditionally render a Turbo Frame shared between multiple views
A pragmatic guide for adding React to an existing Rails application (and still use Hotwire)
Are you absolutely sure you know how to use the button element?
A pragmatic guide to building a Rack application from scratch
Are you absolutely sure your Rails caching strategy isn’t leaking sensitive information?
Are you absolutely sure your
association really has one association? -
Detect anomalies in user behavior using Rails and PostgreSQL
Automatically Unsubscribe from Emails in Rails (and Control Email Preferences)
Create an infinite scrolling blog roll in Rails with Hotwire
Easily find elements with XPath in Capybara by using Chrome’s Dev Tools
Add a Featured Image to the Events Calendar Month, List and Day Views in WordPress
Use a Custom Column Name With a belongs_to Association in Rails
Pro Tip: Use the esc_attr Function to Format alt Tags When Using ACF
WordPress ACF Frontend Form Tutorial (With Email Notifications)
Convert a belongs_to Association to a has_many :through Association in Ruby on Rails
Redirect Domain Aliases to Your Primary Domain With Gatsby and Netlify
Batch Upload Field Collection Items to Create an Image Gallery
Dynamically Control FlexSlider Caption Position and Color in Drupal
Configure Drupal’s Search API to Search Field Collections and Paragraphs
Update Drupal Field Settings For Fields With Data In Database
Move a Block to a Different Region on Mobile Layouts in Drupal