Working with Radio Buttons in Netlify and Gatsby

I recently ran into an issue with Netlify form submissions on a Gatsby site. Specifically, it had to do with a group of radio buttons. I was using Bootsrap, and just used the example code as a starting point to build my form. However, I noticed that my results for that field were not saving correctly.


If you don’t wrap the input in a label, the results will save incorrectly as seen below. “Small” should really be “size”, since “size” is the name of the input

<input type="radio" name="size" id="small" value="small" required />
<label htmlFor="small">Small</label>

Netlfiy form results that are incorrectly savedClick to expand


Wrap the input in a label to ensure the name of the input is used in the results.

  <input type="radio" name="size" id="small" value="small" required /> Small

Netlfiy form results that are correctly savedClick to expand