Auto Update Copyright In Drupal Footer

Most websites have a copyright in the footer, like ©2015. However, if you do this using static text, you’ll need to be sure to update this annually. Wouldn’t it be nice to automate this process?

With Token Filter you can easily achieve this. Below are the steps to make it happen.

  1. Download and enable Token Filter and Token.

    Click to expand

  2. Select a text format or formats that you wish to apply Token Filter to. Select Replace tokens. This can be found under admin/config/content/formats

    Click to expand

  3. Now add a block under admin/structure/block/add. Make sure the text format is set to the format or formats you edited in step 2. You can now use tokens to dynamically update the year, or add your site’s name.

    Click to expand

  4. Now you have an auto updating copyright block!

    Click to expand